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Ricerche no-profit dell'Istituto Oncologico Veneto su carcinoma mammario HER2+ e carcinoma colorettale

Due studi, ShortHER e TOSCA, dell’Istituto Oncologico Veneto ( IOV ) sono stati presentati durante la 53^ edizione del Meeting dell’ASCO ( American Society of Clinical Oncology ) che si è tenuto a Chicago ( Stati Uniti ).

Studio ShortHER

Lo studio indipendente e no profit, Short-HER, finanziato dall'AIFA ( Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco ), è stato condotto presso 82 ospedali italiani e ha reclutato 1254 pazienti con tumore mammario HER2-positivo.
Avviato nel 2007, lo studio Short-HER, coordinato da Pierfranco Conte dell'Oncologia medica 2 dello IOV, ha reclutato le pazienti con carcinoma alla mammella HER2-positivo nel periodo 2007-2013 con l'obiettivo di fornire una rappresentazione reale dei trattamenti sulla popolazione delle pazienti in riferimento alla durata del trattamento, alla sua tossicità e ai costi anche biologici delle cure somministrate.

Obiettivo dello studio era quello di verificare la non-inferiorità del trattamento di 9 settimane in confronto con il trattamento standard di 52 settimane.

Lo studio ha dimostrato una tendenziale non-inferiorità del trattamento con Trastuzumab ridotto a 9 settimane nelle donne con carcinoma mammario HER2-positivo.
Tuttavia nonostante lo studio non abbia modificato radicalmente lo standard di cura, la bassa tossicità osservata nella terapia ridotta a 9 settimane fa ritenere che nelle donne con problemi cardiaci e in quelle che devono sospendere il trattamento proprio per la comparsa di problemi cardiovascolari, la riduzione della cura a 9 settimane possa rappresentare una interessante alternativa.

ABSTRACT: 1-year Trastuzumab with chemotherapy is the standard adjuvant treatment for HER2+ breast cancer patients. The efficacy of less extended Trastuzumab exposure is still under investigation.

The Short-HER study is an independent, non-profit study aimed to test the non-inferiority of 9 weeks vs 1 year of adjuvant Trastuzumab.
This is a phase III, multicenter, Italian trial where patients with HER2+ breast cancer were randomly assigned to: Arm A ( Long ) AC or ECx4 followed by 4 courses of 3-weekly Docetaxel in combination with Trastuzumab, followed by 14 additional courses of 3-weekly Trastuzumab; or Arm B ( Short ) 3 courses of 3-weekly Docetaxel plus weekly Trastuzumab for 9 doses followed by FEC x3.

When indicated, radiation therapy was administered after the completion of chemotherapy. Hormonal therapy started at the completion of chemotherapy for patients with hormone receptor positive tumors.

This is a non-inferiority trial with disease-free survival ( DFS ) as primary end-point. Overall survival ( OS ) is evaluated as second primary analysis outcome.
The sample size of 1250 patients has been estimated based on a hazard ratio less than 1.29 for the short arm to be non-inferior.
The definitive analysis will take place after 198 DFS events.
Secondary aims include 2-years failure rate, cardiac toxicity, correlative biomarkers analyses.

From Dec-2007 to Oct-2013, 1254 patients from 82 centers have been randomized. Patients characteristics are the following: median age 55 years ( 25-78 ), stage I 37.3%, IIA 40%, IIB 20.6%, III 2.1%. 30% of the patients had 1-3 positive nodes, 16% greater than or equal to 4; 68% of the patients had ER+ tumors. Characteristics were balanced between the two arms.

At the time of this writing, 95% of the planned DFS events have been reported. 105 Grade greater than or equal to 2 cardiac events have been reported, 78 in arm A ( long ) and 27 in arm B ( short ). Grade 3-4 cardiac events were 20 in arm A and 11 in arm B.

In conclusion, shorter Trastuzumab administration almost halves the rate of severe cardiac toxicity.

Studio TOSCA

Lo studio TOSCA, multicentrico, randomizzato, di fase III, in aperto, è stato realizzato grazie al contributo rilevante dello IOV ( Sara Lonardi ). Dei 3759 pazienti la coorte più importante è stata arruolata proprio dallo IOV ( 173 pazienti da IOV, 300 pazienti dal Veneto, grazie alla collaborazione con i centri di Negrar, Rovigo e Legnago ).

Lo studio, completamente indipendente, supportato da AIFA e coordinato da Alberto F. Sobrero del San Martino IST di Genova, ha coinvolto 130 oncologie italiane, nel periodo 2007-2014.

L'obiettivo era quello di chiarire la durata ottimale del trattamento post-operatorio nel carcinoma colorettale, al fine di risparmiare tossicità al paziente senza compromettere la terapia.

Lo studio non ha definitivamente confermato che la terapia adiuvante, contenente Oxaliplatino, protratta per 3 mesi sia equivalente al trattamento standard per 6 mesi.

Al momento dell’analisi, condotta prima della conclusione dello studio con l’82% degli eventi pianificati, il follow-up mediano era di 62 mesi ed erano state osservate 772 recidive o decessi e una sopravvivenza libera da recidiva a 8 anni del 75%.

La decisione di anticipare l’analisi è stata presa per il fatto che era stata pubblicata un’analisi ( IDEA joint collaborative analysis ), che si poneva lo stesso quesito clinico.

La differenza assoluta di sopravvivenza libera da recidiva, tra il trattamento a 3 e a 6 mesi, è risultata bassa ( inferiore al 3% a 5 anni ), e la decisione di completare l’intero programma di 6 mesi dovrebbe quindi essere personalizzata, basandosi sulla tossicità e sulla propensione del paziente.

ABSTRACT: Six months of Oxaliplatin-based treatment has been the standard of care as adjuvant therapy for stage III colon cancer and an accepted option for high-risk stage II. Given the cumulative neurotoxicity associated to Oxaliplatin, a shorter duration of therapy, if equally efficacious, would be advantageous for patients and health-care systems.

TOSCA was an open-label, phase III, multicenter, non-inferiority trial randomizing patients with high-risk stage II or stage III radically resected colon cancer to receive 3 months or 6 months of FOLFOX4/XELOX.

Primary end-point was relapse-free survival.

From June 2007 to March 2013, 3759 patients were accrued from 130 Italian sites, 64% receiving FOLFOX4 and 36% XELOX in either arm. Two thirds were stage III.

At the cut-off time for analysis the median time of follow-up was 62 months and 772 relapses or deaths have been observed. The relapse-free survival ( RFS ) rate at 8 years was 75%.
This analysis was done when 82% of the planned number of events was reached, with a power of 72% instead of 80%. The decision to anticipate the analysis was based on the participation to the IDEA joint collaborative analysis of studies sharing this clinical question.

The hazard ratio ( HR ) of the 3 months vs 6 months for relapse / death was 1.14 ( 95% CI 0.99-1.31, p for non inferiority = 0.253 ) and the confidence interval crossed the non inferiority limit of 1.20.

In conclusion, TOSCA was not able to demonstrate that 3 months of Oxaliplatin-based adjuvant treatment is as efficacious as 6 months. Nevertheless , because the absolute difference in RFS between the two treatment durations is small ( less than 3 % at 5 years ), the decision to complete the whole 6-month program should be individualized based on toxicity and patients’ attitude. ( Xagena Medicina )

Fonte: IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto, 2017


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